Message from the Research Director

Welcome to the University of British Columbia Division of Vascular Surgery website. I encourage you to explore our Research Overview and Research Feature Publications! We hope that you find these sections of our website informative and inspiring, and that it leads to long-standing and fruitful collaborations.

The landscape for research in vascular surgery is continuously expanding and is rich in physiologic, clinical, engineering, technical and other questions that are highly impactful to patient care. Many of these involve rare pathologies or high complexity and require innovative epidemiologic approaches, international collaborations through registries and trials, and overall evolution of study methodologies to promote rigorous, high impact research.  Vascular surgery  is continuously at the forefront of  medical device technology and innovation. This expands patient anatomic and physiologic candidacy for surgical treatments and in turn presents new challenges managing patients medically and surgically due to increasing patient complexity.  Our division’s research interests has evolved beyond basic science and clinical research, and includes population-based big data studies, bioengineering studies, stem cell work, fluid dynamics and physics-based studies, and materials engineering work, among others.

Please reach out to me at if you are interested in participating in or collaborating on research projects with our division.

Dr. Konrad Salata MD, PhD, FRCSC